Sunday, September 17, 2006
What keeps me awake at night?
Anxiety. Disappointment. Dread. Fear.
I know I will fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Yet I pace, I watch TV, I listen to music, I surf, I chat.
I do anything but let my eyes close.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
For months I had a tiny 3 gallon
aquarium stashed away on the floor of my linen closet. I knew I wanted fish but did not know when. The gerbils were a handful and I was not sure if I could handle having another mouth to feed, however small their mouths may be.
(Plan B: Set up a little terrarium)
Three months ago I gave away my little gerbils - cage, feed & barrel. My nose thanked me for clearing up the air. A week later I found myself at the nearest
Petco staring at Oscars, Goldfish, Bettas, Loaches, Mollies...and clownfish, starfish, blowfish.
A marine aquarium would have burnt a crater-sized hole in my microscopic wallet and so deciding to buy freshwater fish was almost a no-brainer. Zeroed in on
Neon Tetras &
Guppies - 3 each. The Petco Guy threw in free ugly pond snails. Woohoo!
Three months later I keep buying fish & they keep dying on me. They are live & kicking ... erm ... swiming for the first few weeks and then one morning I discover them covered in white spots. A few days later snail food. Belly up at the bottom of the aquarium.
I went to a different pet store today and picked up 6 small fish. I hope they have better luck.
Here's the tally so far -
Death Count: 5 Neon Tetras & 5 guppies
Survivors: 1 Neon Tetra & 3 Ugly Snails
Newborns: An infestation of Baby Snails & Eggs
New Additions: 4
Rosy Red Minnows & 2
Chinese Algae Eaters (Small)
Here I am curled up in front of the
TV, with my
laptop perched on my knees.
What have I achieved today?
Personally...not much.
Professionally...hmm..not much there too.
I wonder if I am simply going to let life pass me by. May be today was just a bad day.